Testing process

Procedure to develop and test the connection to the PEMEA network

The quality evaluation and validation of the candidates to be connected to the PEMEA network will be certified by the PEMEA trusting partners, using their laboratory environments.

The validation will consist of checking compliance with all the functional requirements set out in the ETSI standard and with all the quality and reliability criteria specified by the PEMEA Consortium in coordination with European public emergency management bodies.

The PEMEA Consortium will provide information to the candidates about the PEMEA trusting partners available to perform the quality assessment and validation.

You can get in contact with the PEMEA Consortium to identify the trusting partners that better fit with your validation needs.

Once your connection to the PEMEA network in the laboratory environment has been validated, the PEMEA trusting partner in charge of the validation will request a PEMEA_Id  for you. This PEMEA_Id, together with the security certificates of your system, will be updated in the PRA component of the PEMEA network, so that the whole network can recognize the new entity as a valid system.

(*) Note: The PRA is the entity through which all other PEMEA network nodes must register to connect to the rest of the PEMEA network via PEMEA-id.  The PRA handles the valid PEMEA entities list and it is defined that each PEMEA entity must load this list into their system periodically to ensure that old or untrusted entities are removed and new entities are added.

PEMEA network providers and PEMEA trusting partners

PEMEA network providers are those entities that provide and maintain the nodes of the PEMEA network, as defined by the ETSI 103.478 standard.

PEMEA providers are those entities that:

  • Provide one or more of the PEMEA nodes: AP, PSP, ASP, PSAP, media servers, etc.

  • Have been sponsored* by at least one PSAP. That means that a European PSAP is a current client, which can recommended the provider to the PEMEA consortium for its incorporation into the PEMEA network.

  • The nodes of its network have successfully completed the interoperability tests with PEMEA. The interoperability tests must have been coordinated by one of the PEMEA trusting partners.


PEMEA trusting partners are those entities that:

  • Are PEMEA validated providers of ASP, PSP and AP nodes (the three of them).

  • They have successfully completed the interoperability tests of their systems with the systems of all the rest of the existing PEMEA trusting partners.

  • They have been admitted as members of the PEMEA consortium by the rest of the members of the consortium.


If you are a PEMEA provider, you make the following commitments:

  • Monitor the performance and manage potential problems that may arise in the component nodes of the PEMEA network you provide.

  • Inform the PEMEA consortium about the actions and service stops planned, as well as the KPIs of the nodes.

  • Communicate to PEMEA consortium the request for the generation of PEMEA_Ids for the new components and users of the PEMEA network, as well as their update in the PRA.

  • Assisting with the management of the PRA element of the PEMEA network, as well as monitoring performance and managing potential problems that may arise in the component nodes of the PEMEA network.

PEMEA network quality validation

PEMEA network providers are those entities that provide and maintain the nodes The quality evaluation and validation of the candidates to become a PEMEA provider will be certified by the PEMEA trusting partners in their laboratory environments.

The trusted testing partners provide test environments into which different PEMEA nodes can be inserted for testing purposes. The partners are understood by the PEMEA Consortium to have mature PEMEA implementations that are known to interoperate with other PEMEA implementations without issue and that different test scenarios have been performed against these different implementations.

The testing partner will then work with PEMEA network providers to define a test plan and network configuration map so that testing coverage is as near complete as possible and that execution time is minimal.

The validation will consist of checking compliance with all the functional requirements set out in the ETSI standard and with all the quality and reliability criteria specified by the PEMEA Consortium in coordination with European public emergency management bodies.

Once testing is complete, the testing partner will provide with a report that indicates what tests were performed against what node and what the results were. The PEMEA Consortium will confirm that the provider has been sponsored* by at least one PSAP for its incorporation into the PEMEA network and if so, it will provide a PEMEA_Id.

This PEMEA_Id, together with the safety certificates of the new system, will be updated in the PRA component of the PEMEA network so that the whole network recognizes it as a valid system.

Management of misbehaving nodes in the PEMEA network

The PEMEA_Id granting permission of PEMEA Providers to connect to the PEMEA network.  This permission could be revoked by the PEMEA Consortium when the provider has repeatedly neglected the performance and quality of their systems and no longer meets the quality requirements specified by the PEMEA Consortium.

In general, it is possible that from time to time a PEMEA node may misbehave. It is best that PEMEA network Providers try to resolve these issue between themselves, and that is one reason why 24×7 contact details are provided in the valid PEMEA entities list.

Sometimes, however, this is not so easy to do, or a single entity may be upsetting more than just one other node. In such a case, as a node provider, you should cease to accept connections from the offending node and notify the PEMEA consortium who may be able to arbitrate to address the issue.

In this case, depending on the magnitude of the issue, the PEMEA Consortium may temporarily deactivate the offending node until it has fixed the issue and undergone retesting to ensure that the problem is resolved. The entity can request to be reactivated once it has a new test report from a PEMEA trusted testing partner indicating that the issue has been resolved. If the entity with the offending node is a PEMEA trusted testing partner then the repaired entity must be test by a different PEMEA trusted testing partner.

The revocation of the PEMEA_Id of a network element would be done by simple majority vote during the monthly meetings held by the PEMEA consortium.