How to connect to PEMEA

Who can connect and use the PEMEA network

There are 2 kind of entities that can connect and use the PEMEA network:

  • App providers: These are the providers of applications and Internet communication services, public and private. The App providers commercially offer connectivity between users via audio, video, chat, and want to add a potential channel with the 112 emergency services.

  • Emergency Response Centers: Public and private emergency centers in any European region. These are emergency centers that want to connect to the PEMEA network to incorporate new communication technologies (audio, video, chat, etc.) in a fast and flexible way, through the use of communication applications and services available on the Internet and connected to PEMEA.

Requirements to get connected to PEMEA network

Any public or private App Provider or emergency response Center can request their connection to the PEMEA network.

However, the PEMEA network is not an open network. Not all applicants are guaranteed to be connected.

Given the sensitivity of the objective of the PEMEA network (focused on the management of communications in emergency situations) and the sensitivity of the data being transmitted (personal data of citizens), only those providers that meet certain quality and reliability requirements will be able to connect.

The functional, quality and reliability requirements for the connection to PEMEA are set by:

  • The ETSI standard

  • The Public Safety Answering Points and other public administrations, through the PEMEA consortium

  • The laws governing privacy and security of access to information in each country

The application providers and public and private emergency centers that wish to connect to the PEMEA network can contact us via the following form:

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    Procedure to develop and test the connection to the PEMEA network